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Joanne Hader is an IAYT certified yoga therapist and registered yoga teacher through Yoga Alliance (RYT ®500). She specializes in yoga for actively aging adults and family caregivers.
Joanne is an iRest® deep relaxation Level 1 teacher. She holds a certificate in Active Aging from CanFitPro and a certificate in Resilience First Aid from Hello Driven.
She has advanced yoga training in chair yoga, yoga for brain injury, advanced asanas (physical poses), pranayama (yogic breathing techniques), meditation, and yoga for grief, emotional wellness and mood disorders.
Have you heard experts saying that sitting is the new smoking? That there is a massive epidemic of immobility in North America?
Yoga for many of us can be a gentle, accessible way of getting moving. And getting us hooked on moving. It can be the 'gateway' solution to a more active lifestyle at any age.
Note the big smile on the right as I finished my first half-marathon at age 42.
Ancient yoga philosophy offers that we are all divine beings. All of us have an unchanging, ever-present true self within. This inner being, this awareness ensures us (particularly when we are down or judging ourselves harshly) that we are OK. We are whole and complete, just as we are. We just don't always know that!
Yoga practice can get us moving and it can provide us access to the tools to a deeper understanding of ourselves - to peel back the layers of our experiences and get us in touch with our true selves, our wholeness, our hearts, and our minds.
True happiness doesn’t come from what surrounds us but rather from what we carry inside.
We make a lot of choices as we move through life. Many we are not aware of. One of the most impactful choices for me was my attitude that affected how I saw and interacted with the world. I was smart, and quick to respond, and eager to point out that which could be improved, in others.
And, until someone pointed it out to me I had no idea this lens on the world was a choice I had made and could change.
Today I choose peace, happiness and love.