Seated chair yoga class for memory and cognition.
30 minute fully seated chair yoga class for upper body stretch and strenghten.
30 minute introductory chair yoga class. Seated and standing with the chair as a prop.
30 minutes chair class targeting the lower body. Seated and standing.
A short class targeting three of your systems that work together to help stability and balance. Challenge balance and use the chair for optional support.
30 minutes of focus on the lymphatic system. This system is vital to our immune response, and unlike the blood system circulating in the body, it does not have a pump, and it relies on movement to keep lymph moving.
30 minutes class targeting core awareness and the psoas. All these classes are also available on the only yoga app designed specifically for seniors - see for more.
30 minutes of stretching targeting neck and shoulder tension and release.
Brian is a kinesiologist and movement expert. Many of our yoga anatomy modules in yoga therapy training were based on his work.
Check out this great fun video by an amazing teacher and mentor!